Hope as a catalyst for change in Climate Futures<p>How public health can move from doomscrolling to action</p><p>Written by Paul Adepoju</p><p>This <a rel=”canonical” href=”https://harvardpublichealth.org/environmental-health/climate-solutions-need-hope-as-a-catalyst-ayana-johnson-says/”>article</a> originally appeared in <a href=”https://harvardpublichealth.org/”>Harvard Public Health magazine</a>. Subscribe to their <a href=”https://harvardpublichealth.org/subscribe/”>newsletter</a>.</p><p class=”has-drop-cap”>Imagine a world where hope for healing the planet fuels action. Public health and climate solutions are two sides of the same coin, and people work within their communities to address climate challenges. In <em>What If We Get It Right?</em> <em>Visions of Climate Futures</em>, Ayana Elizabeth Johnson envisions such a world and gives readers a blueprint to achieve it. Packed with hard truths, visionary ideas, and a call to reimagine how we care for our planet and each other, this book is not just an inspiring read—it’s a rallying cry.</p><p>The book has been lauded for its refreshing optimism. Johnson, a marine biologist, draws on her experiences as a Black woman, her research on coral reef ecosystems, overfishing, and marine biodiversity, and her contributions to international climate policy to craft a deeply inclusive narrative. She largely succeeds at an ambitious task: broadening the conversation about climate beyond science and technology to include environmental justice, culture, and public health. Her writing is engaging, accessible, and often urgent, blending research with real-world examples and community voices.</p><p>The book’s greatest strength lies in how Johnson makes responding to climate change available to everyone. Rather than presenting a rigid set of solutions, she offers a framework for thinking about climate response as a set of systemic changes rather than isolated interventions. When she does propose solutions, they are often practical, if currently underutilized. The approach she offers, as much as the connections between climate and health that she illuminates, makes the book essential reading for public health professionals grappling with the multifaceted challenges of climate change.</p><p>Climate action, she writes in a deeply personal introduction, is not an abstract endeavor but a tangible necessity for the lives and well-being of communities worldwide. “We are not separate from the systems we aim to protect; we are part of them.”</p><figure class=”wp-block-pullquote alignwide”><blockquote><p>Johnson challenges readers to redefine hope as “a propellant,” driving a commitment to act, rather than a passive sentiment.</p></blockquote></figure><p>For example, ocean conservation isn’t just about preserving ecosyste