Mer. Gen 8th, 2025


CSTWhat happens if you have not received a Social Security payment on time? Whilst this is a daunting situation to face, there are steps to take to make sure you can still claim the money, or find out what’s happening.An estimated 68 million adults collected a check for the benefit in 2024 and that number is only going to rise with an ever-increasing human life expectancy. That, combined with the high cost of living, means Social Security is one of the most important support systems in the USA.And a missed payment can be stressful with the combined factors alone, but also because of how the money for Social Security is collected too. Citizens pay into the scheme through payroll taxes throughout their working life.They then claim this back upon retirement, which is usually between the age of 66 and 67. So a missed payment can also be frustrating because it feels as though all of the earned money through the last 40+ years is lost. But it is possible to claim it back through two simple steps. First contact the bank. The Social Security Administration (SSA) will not issue any reimbursement without the bank being contacted first. The bank may be withholding the funds on grounds of account irregularities, verification issues, or pending debts.If it’s not a problem with the bank, then contact the SSA. They will begin an investigation and thus give you the money you are missing and potentially correct any administrative errors such as the wrong address.You can contact the Social Security Administration for free at 1-800-772-1213 (TTY 1-800-325-0778).Social Security works on a staggered basis to help the SSA budget and allocate their funds appropriately, meaning payments vary depending on the date of your birth.If you were born between the first and 10th of any month, you should be paid on Wednesday, January 8.If you were born between the 11th and 20th of any month, you should be paid on Wednesday, January 15.If you were born between the 21st and 31st of the month, you should be paid on Wednesday, January 22.Anyone who began claiming Social Security before May 1997 will have been paid on Friday, January 3.Supplemental Security Income receives two payments for January, because February 1 falls on a Saturday so the February payment has been brought forward by a day. SSI will be paid on January 1 and January 31. 
