If you’re disciplined with your credit card use, your cards can be valuable tools. By using a credit card, you can forgo the hassle of carrying cash and even earn valuable rewards to redeem for gift cards, statement credits, airline miles, or travel.However, credit cards have other benefits than just rewards; many cards come with added protections and benefits that can give you even more value. Learning how credit card protections work — and which cards have the best perks — can help you use your card to its full potential.Credit cards are common; most U.S. adults have at least one credit card. However, people don’t always understand all their credit cards have to offer and may be missing out on useful benefits. These are some of the most commonly available credit card protections:Purchase protection covers your new purchases for a specific period, such as 120 days from the date you bought them. If the purchase is damaged, stolen, or stops working during that period, your card issuer will reimburse you for the item’s purchase price.There’s typically a cap per incident and per account; for example, the card issuer may only reimburse you up to $500 per claim and up to $50,000 per account.With extended warranty protection, the manufacturer’s warranty on eligible items is lengthened. Usually, credit cards that offer extended warranty protection will increase the warranty by one year. If your item needs to be repaired or replaced, this benefit can help you save money by allowing you to use the warranty longer.Extended warranty protection is usually a secondary benefit, meaning it kicks in only after you’ve exhausted your other warranties or insurance.If your credit card provides return protection, this benefit allows you to get a refund of an item’s purchase price if the retailer doesn’t accept the return within a certain period, such as 90 days from the transaction date.For example, those who have the American Express Blue Cash Preferred card can qualify for a refund of the full purchase price — minus shipping and handling costs — up to $300 per item and up to $1,000 per calendar year.Zero liability protection ensures you’re not responsible for unauthorized or fraudulent transactions made to your credit card account. If your information is stolen, zero liability protection keeps you from experiencing any financial losses.Dispute resolution is a benefit that helps you resolve issues with retailers or merchants. For example, if you receive an order that’s defective or not as described, you can dispute the charge with your credit card company, and the company will investigate the dispute. You’ll get a full refund if the company rules in your favor.Besides basic purchase protections, many credit cards include other perks for travel or shopping. These are some other common card benefits:Baggage loss or delay insurance can lessen the inconvenience of not having your luggage on your trip. With this benefit, the credit card issuer will reimburse you