Panoramic view of the ClimGrass Facility in Styria, Austria which subjects a temperate grassland to individual and combined atmospheric warming (+3°C) and CO2 enrichment (+ 300 ppm), and recurring drought. Credit: Markus Herndl
Research co-led by the University of Maryland reveals that drought and increased temperatures in a CO2-rich climate can dramatically alter how grasslands use and move water.The study provides the first experimental demonstration of the potential impacts of climate change on water movement through grassland ecosystems, which make up nearly 40% of Earth’s land area and play a critical role in Earth’s water cycle. The study appears in the journal Science.”If we want to predict the effects of climate change on Earth’s water resources, we need data showing how the hydrologic cycle will respond at a small scale where we can define mechanisms, but that just hasn’t been available,” said Jesse Radolinski, corresponding author of the study, a post-doctoral research associate in the UMD Department of Environmental Science & Technology who began the work at the University of Innsbruck.”Our experiments found that under summer drought conditions, and higher air temperatures that are expected under a future with elevated CO2, two things change fundamentally: One, the structural properties of the soil in the root zone change so that water flows differently than we expected, and two, these altered climate conditions and soil properties cause the plants to access water differently.”Currently, new rainfall tends to linger in the root zone where it mixes with existing soil water (i.e., previous rainfall) before percolating into local streams and rivers.Radolinski said this study suggests that under future climate conditions, intense rainfall may move more quickly through the soil into local water bodies, interacting less with this stored water and potentially bringing nutrients and pollutants with it.In addition, plants subjected to these future drought conditions conserve more water, releasing less back to the atmosphere through transpiration. That could mean less atmospheric cooling, triggering a feedback loop of more drought and more warming.
Automatic rainout shelters engaging to suppress rainfall from an approaching storm during experimental drought period at the ClimGrass Facility in Styria, Austria. Credit: Camille Halais
Credit: Camille Halais
Radolinski and his colleagues conducted their experiment with the University of Innsbruck in open plots in an Austrian grassland. They simulated six different climate conditions by manipulating air temperature and CO2 levels, and introducing recurring drought with large, automatically deployed shelters that prevented natural rainfall from reaching the plots.When they simulated rainfall, they used water with a traceable isotope of hydrogen called deuterium, and the