Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Nara Chandrababu Naidu, who arrived in Davos for the World Economic Forum, conducted back-to-back meetings with investors on the first day of his visit on Monday (January 20, 2025).Mr. Naidu met India’s Ambassador to Switzerland Mridul Kumar at the Hilton Hotel in Zurich to discuss investment opportunities in the State from Switzerland. Mr Mridul Kumar explained that over 350 Swiss companies, including giants like Nestlé, ABB, and Novartis, had already invested in India, and many more companies were ready to invest.World Economic Forum 2025 Day 1 LIVE: World leaders congregate in Davos for 5-day meet; India sends its largest contingentMr. Mridul Kumar introduced Mr. Naidu to the CEOs and key officials of four prominent Swiss companies — Raoul Keller, Secretary General of Swissmem (a mechanical and electrical engineering industry company), Markus Tacke, CEO of Oerlikon (a polymer processing company), Erich Schmid, CEO of Angst + Pfister (a company specialising in high-quality industrial components and custom-engineered solutions), and Jorn Van Der Krone, Head of Economics and External Affairs of Swiss Textiles (a textiles company).Outlining the extensive investment opportunities in the State, he invited them to leverage the skilled human resources and incentives offered by the Central and State governments.Mr. Naidu urged Swissmem to establish a Research and Development Center or provide facilities for manufacturing in the State, and to collaborate with the universities in Andhra Pradesh on innovation in key sectors. He also invited them to set up innovation hubs and incubators in A.P., as well as plumbing labs and training programs similar to those in Switzerland.
India at forefront of age defined by tech evolution: WEF reportOpportunities The Chief Minister highlighted opportunities in Andhra Pradesh in sectors like pharmaceuticals, medical devices, technical textiles, and rail components. He also proposed collaboration between Swiss universities and the Skilling and AI University being set up in Andhra Pradesh. He emphasised that the State had a skilled youth workforce capable of providing services across sectors to Switzerland under the work-from-home model.Mentioning the need for an Advanced Coating Centre in the State, Mr. Naidu highlighted opportunities in the automotive, aerospace, energy, and tooling sectors, suggesting Oerlikon could take advantage of these.Mr. Naidu also proposed that Angst + Pfister could set up an advanced sealing solutions plant and an anti-vibration system facility in the State. He invited Swiss Textiles to explore contract manufacturing, research and development, and skill development programmes in Andhra Pradesh’s textile sector. Published – January 20, 2025 08:45 pm IST
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